Feasibility Report Vanuatu - Scoping study for Landfill Rehabilitation and/or Climate Proofing in Vanuatu
The purpose of this report is to support SWAP and the Vanuatu government agencies with decision making on the allocation of funds available for waste disposal site reh...
Marine Litter Training - Solomon Islands Training Report
Sustainable coastlines is providing in person training for communities and associations involved in the implementation of the SWAP Marine Litter Pilot Projects, to ena...
Tonga Used Oil Management Plan
Motor oils are used in internal combustion engines or associated mechanical parts. Their main function is lubrication of moving parts, but they also clean, inhibit cor...
Etude de faisabilité pour le dimensionnement d’une installation de valorisation des déchets métalliques à Wallis et Futuna
A Wallis et Futuna les déchets métalliques produits par les entreprises et particuliers sont aujourd’hui centralisés et stockés au sein des 2 CETs en activité sur le t...
Online Workshop on Disaster Waste Management - Activity Report February 2023
The frequency and intensity of natural disasters, especially tropical cyclones in the Pacific, have increased and when these natural disasters occur, large amounts of ...
Feasibility Report Solomon Islands - Scoping study for Landfill Rehabilitation and/or Climate Proofing in Solomon Islands
The purpose of this report is to support SWAP and the Solomon Islands government agencies with decision making on the allocation of fruits available for waste disposal...